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The Horses:

"If you think it's 'just a horse', then you will probably understand phrases like 'just a friend', 
'just a sunrise', or 'just a promise'. So for me and folks like me, it's not a horse but an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the future, the fond memories of the past, and the pure joy of the moment..."
They are our passion. They are our soul, the life force that drives us.
They are as important as each breath we take.


​​Angel is a 2004 quarter horse mare who came to live with us August of 2012. She is what is called a 'dunimino' which means she is a palomino with dun marking or stripes. She was a rescue horse and was an abused and starved brood mare. Angel is a very sweet girl but a little shy when she first meets you. She thrives with a confident rider who will work with her. Trail rides are her favorite and she loves challenges and obstacles. Her favorite treats are watermelons and cookies!

Arrow (aka Orca's Flying Spark)


Arrow is a 2004 black and white paint gelding who came to live with us in August of 2014. He is the "ruler" of the pasture and enjoys rough housing and playing with the other geldings, especially Cowboy. Before he came to live with us he was a cowboy mounted shooting horse! With his quiet laid back nature and unsual coloring he is everyone's favorite lesson horses. He is almost always the on of the first ones to greet you in the pasture doesn't seem to care much about treats as long as he gets one too! 





​​Cowboy (I call him "B" as his name was Brando when we got him before my kids changed it) is a 2007 chestnut gelding. He came to us in June of 2014 from a very dear friend of ours that had sustained a dibilitating back injury and could not properly care for him anymore. He is your typical teddy bear of a horse: super sweet, fluffy and cuddly. No matter how bad my day is he always seems to know how I'm feeling and rests his head on me to tell me it's ok. There is a depth to him that goes far beyond many horses. He is truly one of those theraputic horses. He has a lot to learn in his training but is very quiet, willing and safe. He will go far and take those with him to allow him to show them the way. 



Epic is a 2014 off the track thoroughbred gelding. His birthday is April 20, 2014. He came to live here at Equistarre Horsemanship in June of 2017 a few months after his second race in March. His race name was Tunda Crash Me! He just really didn't want to be a race horse, but he's thriving here. Epic is a retired race horse project hopeful and we hope to compete in dressage! 

Gambi (aka Gambling Moves)


​​Gambi was born on January 3rd 1998. He is a sorrel quarter horse gelding. I have had him since January of 2003. We have seen and done it all! He has done dressage, eventing, participated in many equestrian drill teams, cowboy action shooting, worked cows, barrel racing, ect... He is a very sensitive boy and an over-achiever it is really important to him that he pleases his rider and can get frustrated if he doesn't understand. He loves carrots best, to have his shoulders and bottom scratched, and to be groomed with a soft brush.



Grace is a 2006 APHA mare. She came to us in the worst shape imaginable. Grace was a true rescue. I don't think I have ever seen a horse that had so much wrong and in such bad shape. Not only has she been nearly starved to death but she had also gotten barbed wire wrapped around her foot which nearly severed her foot. The wound went untreated for almost 6 months. In her first home after she rescued from starvation, a horse broke out and nearly beat her to death as well! She wound up on our doorstep the first part of May 2012. Today she is fat and sassy! Occasionally her bad foot will hurt her but she is a great trail horse and is super quiet and laid back. Not much gets her excited. Although she does have a great time stomping the jolly ball to death!


Justice (aka UF Unjustly Arrested)


 Justice was born on March 23rd 2004. Though he was jet black when I got him, he is a grey appendix quarter horse gelding. I have known him from shortly after birth and have owned him since April of 2006. He was my Equine Psycology and Training Horse when I was at the University of Florida. He has also had tons of life experience. The day I bought him I sat on him bareback with a halter next to a bull pen and bucking shoots at a rodeo. We have competed mostly in Hunter Under Saddle classes, but he has also shown in Trail and one Western Pleasure class as well as participating on an equestrian drill team. Justice loves his face rubbed and his ears scratched. He is a big goof and all boy. He loves to play and gets a little too excited over cookies and will suck your whole hand in his mouth! (No worries he doesn't use his teeth) He isn't too excited about work, he prefers quiet trail rides to the arena. 






Kiwi was born June 15, 1995. She is a bay miniature horse. Kiwi came to live here a few weeks before Christmas 2001. Six weeks before we got her she was diagnosed with EPM which is a neurological disease that is carried by opossums and although it can be found in 85% of Florida's horse population only a small percentage ever show signs of the disease. Generally a horse that has been effected by EPM can be recognized because they tend to stagger or appear to have little control of their hindquarters when they walk. Some horses have a full recovery and some are never quite the same. She has become a wonderful asset to the farm. She allows the short legs to enjoy all the aspects of working with horses at a safe level. 






Luna (aka Dustin Off the Gold)


Luna was born March 28, 2007. She is a red roan quarter horse mare. I fell in love with her via a picture on Craigslist. After about a month of it nagging me I decided to act on it. She moved here the first part of March 2012. Yep. I still love her. She is one of the triplets here. Although they are not related at all she, Tristin, and Priss are very alike in looks. All are super sweet, super smart, and super lovable. Luna is very affectionate and loves to be cuddled. Luna lives on the slower side of life and doesn't need to go anywhere fast which is what sold me on her. She hangs out at the barn most of the day just to be around people. A few cookies or a carrot will win her over easily. 





​​Mira is a 2012 quarter horse mare. She is my youngest daughter's baby! Chloe has trained Mira with my help from the ground up! She is very proud of their accomplishments as am I! Funny thing about Mira is she has a mustache! Mira is the perfect sweetest girl! We are so blessed to have her in our herd!  

Oske (aka Honece Oske)


​​Oske is a 2011 American mustang gathered from a herd in Pancake Nevada! Oske placed 7th in the Jacksonville Mustang Makeover in 2017 with her trainer Drake Anderson! Oske is my husband, Omero's, horse now and they adore each other. Since being at Equistarre Horsemanship Oske has continued her training and has become a great companion and riding horse! She has an old soul that just sucks you in. She never meets a stranger and loves greeting everyone who comes to the barn!

Priss (aka Starrez Dun Dream N)


 Priss was born April 17, 2008. She is a red dun quarter horse mare. I have had her since she was five months old. On her second birthday she injured her shoulder and severed most of those muscles. The vet wasn't even sure she would walk normally again. After many long nights in the stall and months of therapy she is sound and other than a scar and some funky muscles she is normal. Priss has been under saddle since fall of 2010 and is currently learning to be a trick horse. She is a very social people-oriented horse, so likes to be close to the barn so that she can see everyone coming and going. She is always looking for cookies or whatever you have in your pocket :) Priss lives up to her name and thinks she is a princess, is the smartest most opinionated horse I have ever met! She is the Seniorita Sassy Pants of the sisters. She knows lots of tricks such as the lay down, to bow, to hug, to smile, to count, to wave, and to say yes and no... We are working on the spanish walk now!




Savannah (aka Snip's Savannah Moon)

Savannah was born April 9th, 2009. She came to live with us in December of 2013. She is a dunskin roan mare. A rare color and very beautiful. She is Priss' half sister. She loves her belly scratched and to play in the hose. She and I have been working on trick training, liberty, and wetsern dressage together. The "try" that this girl has is amazing. She loves to learn new and exciting things. I foundly call her Seniorita Spazzy Pants because she is so silly and goofy! I hope to have many memories with her and to be able to add to her story!



Starlet (aka Starlet Dun It)


Starlet was born on May 17 2015. She came to live with us in November of 2015! We have high hopes of a reining career for her! She is going to be a great little cow horse! She's super bossy! The big horses are all afraid of this little turkey! She starts her under saddle training in her three year old year! Keep an eye out for this one!


Sheikhinah was born March 1, 1985. She was my first horse! I got her for Christmas in 1989 and she has been my love for all these years! She has finally bee retired and moved in with us to live out her days! She has competed with me in nearly every discipline. She was the fastest horse we had at one time and there was a lot of crazy big bareback jumps that happened when I was a kid! When I was 12 years old she broke her leg running her heart out for me at a barrel race. She is a fighter. She survived and she is still kicking! She is the orgional sassy pants for sure! She was always a grump unless she was with me. She now spends her days wandering around the farm looking for cookies for hanging out with me while im teaching lessons. She has even been known to participate in the drill team at liberty! I love this ol girl there will never be another like her!


We lost her March 2016, a few days after her 31st birthday. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful girl to have taught me so much. My life will not be the same without her... 



© 2013 by Equistarre Horsemanship

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